- Study-The night before, study your NCLEX Flashcards
. Do not try to cram, just go through them and understand the concepts. Take NCLEX quizzes and tests
. the best are the ones that are randomized, that way you do not have to see the same quiz questions.
- Sleep early-Make sure you go to bed early. do not stay up late worrying, panicking and stressing. You need to wake up early and refreshed.
- Get up early-get up early with enough time to prepare with no rush. Make sure you account for every eventuality, including traffic jam, a re-routing due to accidents or construction, a burst tire or having to stop for gas or breakfast. Give yourself ample time to reach your destination even if something unforeseen happens.
- Have a nice meal-Treat yourself to a hearty breakfast, but be careful it's nothing that riles your stomach. eat foods that are familiar to you and that have never given you adverse reactions. avoid too many fluids like soda, as it might make you want to visit the bathroom frequently. Stay away from any foods that have given you diarrhea or stomach pains before.
- Follow the rules and guidelines-Do not take any items not allowed, it will just infuriate the examiner and can cause you to be dismissed. cell phones are not allowed in the examination room, nor are notes. This State guideline might help. Make sure you take the acceptable ID and ATT letter (The ATT letter contains the authorization number, candidate identification number and an expiration date). Do not overdress, since you will be told to take off most items such as coats, hats, scarves and even jewellery.
- Understand the Structure of the Paper-make sure you understand the structure of the paper and how it is scored. The NCLEX is designed around the concept of client needs, divided into
the categories of care environment, health promotion and maintenance,
and psychosocial and physiological issues. The content in both the RN and LPN/LVN is the same but for the scope. The NCLEX RN requires six hours while the NCLEX PN takes five hours, and
both tests provide scheduled breaks. The test is computer-adaptive, the difficulty level of questions adjusts according to the
participants' ongoing answers.
- Take your Time- Do not rush answering questions. take your time and think the answers through pace yourself. Do not panic if you don't know the answer, just choose one that figures as the best and most rational.
- Do Not discuss the exam-When you go on your breaks, do not discuss the exam. Discussing might make you panic especially when you start realizing mistakes you made. Count the parts done as the past, something you cannot take back, focus on how you do the rest of the exam.
Thanks for reading these tips. feel free to share and comment. do you have any other test taking tips? please share via comments
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